Venice to Boca Grande fishing will peak in October.
If you want in on the good catching Fall action get your reservations lined up and go fishing soon. Our waters begin to cool off this month and super fish migrations will plunge south and illuminate our near shore Gulf catching. Mackerel, both kings and Spanish are due now. Sharks, tarpon, jacks, and every other migratory species will be working south ahead of the harsh weather. Some time in November the Winter fronts will run our abundant bait off; the game fish follow the food. Snook, reds, and trout are going to hang around but no more easy minnow fishing in November. It’s now or next Spring.
Of course, we will enjoy good trout and red fishing throughout the colder periods but not like now. Some pompano and mackerel will hang with us till it freezes us off the water. I fished Tuesday and tore up the pompano but only got one on Wednesday. That’s just how dramatic things change from one day to the next. I’m guessing something weird is up with our weather this fall because the animals are acting strange. It could be a big blow or early cold winter but Mother Nature says she is up to something?
I’m going to take some time to reflect and enjoy my time here in November; I’ve worked hard most of my life on this planet and am ready to explore some of my dreams. I’m heading to the North Country to try my luck and explore any skill I may have looking for a big whitetail. I’m very excited about testing my self and growing back closer to the earth. I have been blessed to spend a huge portion of my days on our beautiful Gulf Coast waters I need some dirt under my feet. Thank you for your encouragement and support. I am very serious about how good I expect our fishing to be in October but I’m out of Florida by the First of November!
Time is flying by and I want to share more with you as time allows but right now this is what it is; let’s go fishin’ soon or see ya later. Captain Van Hubbard, the Salty Dog is looking forward to some woods time, so go fishing in October if you want to go with me. I’ll be working on my website as I make the time; it’s past time for changes and updates. I am very happy with my Evinrude E-Tec outboard motor, it’s dependable, efficient and powerful; what more could I ask for? I am totally excited about the family trips. I’ll promote this more and will also push fun trips ready for action with whatever we encounter. My experience will make sure we are prepared and maybe lady luck will smile on us if we listen close enough? Let’s go Fishin’ now! <>