We’ve been enjoying good weather and fine fishing.

Ready to get back on the water along our Venice shoreline.
January 27, 2014
Weather and fishing forcaste are great for Venice Fishing now!
March 13, 2014
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We’ve been enjoying good weather and fine fishing.

Web post for 2-9-14

It’s great to get back on the water enjoying our great Venice to Boca Grande fishing.

Mason and his drumThe boat is looking much better with shiny exterior and our weather has even cooperated most of the last week. I was able to find some nice trout and pompano for our dinner table plus plenty of ladyfish and jacks for fun. The Spanish mackerel are already showing up but most are small so far. Waters are warming fast inside up to as much as 75 degrees some afternoons last week. The Gulf will require a little longer warm periods because it is a much lager body of water to heat up. We saw several spoonbills and plenty of dolphins as we rode between spots. Life is good you need to give it a try ASAP!

The phone and emails are starting to show many of you are feeling like fishing soon. Please consider planning your fishing adventures as soon as you can to lock in the dates. We both want you to share time on our beautiful waters together. Remember we are just now hitting prime winter visitor season! Spring break for northern kids is coming at us soon. Make you plans and show them our fine fishing.

Snook opens next month and I do expect to enjoy good action. We may have to work for a slot fish but catching snook is always exciting. Redfish and trout will help ensure your fresh fish dinners. Pompano and sheepshead are also around now if you want to try them? The mackerel migration can start up any time if it stays warm. I found a larger school of smaller sharks moving around last Sunday and Monday. Cobia and tripletails cruise the near shore Gulf if you don’t mind the ride looking for them. King mackerel are big fun fish and great on the grill too. We have tons of fun playing with kings from ten to forty pounds on twenty pound gear. The mackerel action can be every cast, it gets thrilling.

Tarpon will be here sometime in late April and peak from May through June. We will have silver kings through the summer but the big concentrations are May/June. Don’t miss the chance to fulfill a bucket list dream with your trophy tarpon this summer.

Thank you for your support and I look forward to sharing a fabulous fishing adventure with you soon. I fish from Venice Beach south to Boca Grande.

Captain Van Hubbard www.captvan.com ph 941-468-4017

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