8-6-2013 Fishing blog by Captain Van Hubbard
Venice to Boca Grande fishing still offers several options.
Many of our kids are starting back to school soon, so it’s back to weekends for the kids. Most recent trips have been for the younger anglers and its fun for all. I try to make it entertaining for the kids while teaching them about our waters and wildlife. Their enthusiasm is a blessing to share and experience. Their energy and awareness also inspire me; we motivate each other. These adventures have been a blessing for families to share.
The trick to successful trips is for parents or grandparents to sit back and let me take over. Keep the camera ready and let them play. If they want to enjoy the minnows in my Dorado’s big live well, let them. I get them to help me throw minnows to chum gamefish. The more involved the better. We take time to check out the dolphin, birds, and manatees. If things get slow we crank up the Evinrude E-Tec and ride around exploring, we can even stop and look for sharks teeth if they like. It’s all about the kids and if they are smiling we are doing our jobs. PS it’s a hundred dollars less for kid’s trips; they are easier to entertain.
Fish has been productive most trips. We have caught numbers some days and a few quality snook to show off and brag about too. The tides are more important now than usual because of the significant rain and downstream runoff. It’s harder to see thru the darker tannin stained waters. The fish are even more colorful but finding them can be challenging.
Snook, snapper, and few mackerel are the best bets right now. They are running around all of our areas passes. The minnows are small but abundant and easy to catch if you have a tiny mesh castnet. Redfish are around but require more patience and effort. Trout are down in Charlotte Harbor around Boca Grande. Mackerel should be dropping in around the Venice pier any time. We are fishing early around the heat and showers.
I’m expecting some good action in September when snook season opens up. The mackerel are improving everyday and should peak in late October or early November depending upon our weather. Kings will improve soon and few available now just farter out around the artificial reefs. Fish will begin to bunch up for fall soon. Line up reservations as soon as you can.
Thank you for your support and business. Captain Van Hubbard. <www.captvan.com