Venice fishing is awesome try it soon.

Action continues to pick up from Boca Grande to Venice Fl.
March 26, 2012
Tarpon are around Boca Grande and Venice, Florida
May 3, 2012
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Venice fishing is awesome try it soon.

I appoligise for my computer challenges but I am trying to let you know just how much fun we have enjoyed while I was lost to you!
The season is going better than any I can remember awesome weather, business, and fishing!
Snook, reds, and trout are all hungry and ready to create new memories for you and your family. Many of my recent charters have been family trips. It has been a joy to share memories with all the children visiting on Spring Breaks. Weather has been fair mostly and inside the winds have not hampered our efforts. We have shared some fine meals of fresh redfish and trout at the Stump Pass Grille. It is wonderful to finally enjoy so many fun days on Lemon Bay and Charlotte Harbor.
Dolphin, manatees, and all kinds of birds help me entertain the kids between bites. The kids shocked buy how many wild animals choose to enter act with us. Youngsters catching fish and then eating me fresh helps them understand why we need to protect our natural resources.
We have also enjoyed some good king mackerel action when winds and charters lined up together. We even had a sailfish in our baits last week, in thirty feet of crystal clear Gulf waters! You never know what will pop up but we were ready. We stared in shock as the sailfish lit up and chased our minnow for a couple of minutes right next to the boat.
Mackerel, sharks, barracuda, and permit are available as weather allows us into the near shore Gulf.
Tarpon are already nearby and in range if we desire big fish! Some tarpon have already entered the Boca Grande Pass area.
Snook are looking great and will get better every month.
Fishing and life is great around Venice and Boca Grande, Florida!
Let’s Go Fishin. Captain Van Hubbard.

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