4-26-09 fishing report<br />
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The big one got away today but we still caught dinner.<br />
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Cliff Kidney and his friend Joe Ball drove down from St Pete today to get in some last minute snook fishing; the season closes Thursday at Midnight. Weekends are challenging but they have to work so it was the only time they could get away. It was challenging but Cliff hooked a big snook at out second spot but it pulled the hook after several good runs. He was heart broken but I told him we would get some more shots. We moved and Joe hooked into a monster that threw the hook on its first jump. I say jump she was so big she could only get the head and shoulders up and thrash on the surface. As she shook her head a large fish flew from her mouth and landed about ten feet away; unfortunately his hook came out too. We decided to go take a look at the baitfish she had thrown around. It turned out to be a twenty-one inch mullet. I took pictures by the yardstick to prove this. I am not about to say how big this fish was but she sure had a big mouthful of mullet. She was the biggest fish we have seen in a long time and we have landed fish up to forty-three inches this year. It was exciting and did imprint clearly in our minds for a great memory. We did finally land a thirty-three inch snook for dinner; and it was great. We released several smaller fish and some jacks. Fishing was ok but slower than normal probably because of weekend traffic. We had fun and they are planning a tarpon trip next month. Let’s Go Fishin’ soon. Capt Van Hubbard. <www.captvan.com><br />